Friday, 4 November 2016

The second trailer - the farm trailer

After the disappointment of not buying the first trailer that we saw, we continued our search!
Marina called us saying that she knew a man that had another trailer that costed the same price as the other one. "Not in such good conditions, but is has the same measurements and the price is negotiable".
And there we went. 

We had to travel to Midões. We saw a small agriculture area, with chicken and a lot of edible wild greens. And in the middle of the field, there it was: a trailer with a Portuguese flag. My intuition was not saying yes, but we both looked at it and the structure seemed to be stronger than the previous one.
It had 7,30mX2,30m.
We opened the doors and we couldn't believe it: there was grass growing inside! Because it had some hay and with the rain coming in, it was a farm outside of the trailer and inside of the trailer!
The metal structure was very rusty. 

We tried to renegotiate the price due to the conditions, but the owner, a guy that was in Porto, didn't accept it. We thought that he could cut the top part and therefore the price could be lower.
But no business.

And it was another no to a trailer.

Are we going to find our used trailer?

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