About ~ Sobre nós


We are David and Raquel.

We live in Central Portugal, Benfeita, close to Fraga da Pena, in the Awakened Life Project, and we are building our Tiny Trailer House.

And we want to share this process with you!


Somos o David e Raquel.
Vivemos no Centro de Portugal, em Benfeita, bem perto da Fraga da Pena, no Projecto Vida Desperta, e estamos a construir a nossa Mini-Casa num atrelado.

E queremos partilhar este processo convosco!

David's Bio:

I remember when Raquel first told me about Tiny houses, I was like what the F$%K why would I want to live in a TINY house! And then I started to become familiar with the movement. People creating small houses and living spaces in very creative ways. I could now see what the attraction was. So that’s where the journey began. We are already living pretty tiny. We live in an old English hoppa bus, which has been converted with a kitchen, wood burner and bed. It is comfortable and cozy, and has a 360 panoramic view of the surrounding forest, we love it! But it is time for us to upgrade a little. We need some more space and want to create a home together.

It was important for us to get clear on what we wanted. We don’t need a large house or anything like that as we are already part of a community. We just wanted some more space, an inside bathroom, something we could move and that doesn’t need planning consent (bonus of building on a trailer).

We both love the idea of using secondhand materials as much as possible and we hope to create an example a sustainable DIY house, so here we go…

A bit about me: I love to use my hands. I love to feel the world. I live with my wife Raquel, and we are co-creators of the Awakened life Project. I love to dance, to move, to feel life’s rhythm. I am committed to be an active part of the evolution of humanity. I am blessed to live in the beautiful mountains of Portugal and I hope that I can help support and inspire people in finding new and alternative ways to live that are rooted in unity and respect for life.

Raquel's Bio:

I was born in Porto, in 1978, and I am living now in Central Portugal, among the mysterious and amazing mountains of Serra do Açor.

I lived around 10 years by myself in a small house in Porto and 3 years ago I moved in to the Awakened Life Project; a spiritual community. Since then, I have been living in a BUS with my husband, David.

I was always passionate about Nature and about 9 years ago I discovered Permaculture. It made so much sense to me! Not only in my brain, but I could feel with my body, soul and spirit that Permaculture was the way forward.

I took a PDC (Permaculture Design Course) in 2011 and, since then, I volunteered in several projects in Portugal so I could learn more and more and put into practice what I learned and loved.

I designed several projects in schools, in the environmental education center in Vila Nova de Gaia (here and here), and in friend's and family's lands and backyards. I participated in reforestation projects and eco-building houses and taught permaculture in internships and groups of people.

Going deeper into permaculture I was more and more in love with a sustainable/resilient way of living and in that path I discovered the Tiny house movement.

Living in a BUS was a dream come true - I could live in a tiny way!

But now, building our Tiny House with David was the natural/right next step to make.

And here we are!

I look at this house, not only as our home, but as a celebration!

As I am building the Tiny House with David, I am celebrating love for a simple and sustainable life, Nature, creativity, love and co-creation.

More about Raquel:

Awakened Life Project and Awakened Body.

1 comment:

  1. Olá.

    Estou a tentar adquirir um tiny house, a gostaria de saber onde adquiriram a vossa. Achei muito gira.
    Tudo a correr bem convosco.

    Alberto Duarte
