Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Where have we been?

 image from here
Sometimes here, other times not here!

We have been building a lot though! Which makes us very happy, but before that a lot happened and we didn't build!

First things first.
After getting the last wood, the weather started to be very wet. It rained a lot, so we thought that the best thing was not to put the frame up and not to continue to build the rest of the frame. If the frame was up, we wouldn't have big enough tarps to cover it and it would be a waste of money. Because the wood is dry.

We didn't work on the house for 3 weeks after that because we had our year Sangha retreat, we visited the UK family and we worked in our house in Porto, so we can rent it. And while we were doing this, we are preparing our events here at Mizarela.

(group photo from the Sangha retreat)

 amazing forests in the UK

Decorating the house in Porto

rented van with the wood

wood that we bought for the inside walls in Leroy Lerlin

When we were in Porto, we took advantage of our huge rented van to buy the wood for the inside walls and to bring more wood from the wood yard.
When we came back, we started to work right away on the house, and since then, the development has been fantastic!

Last week, we had our roof delivered and the wood for the outside as well.

 This is called chapa sanduiche. "O Painel Sandwich é composto por um conjunto de duas chapas de aço perfiladas intercaladas por uma camada de espuma rígida de poliuretano, proporcionando uma elevada resistência mecânica e um excelente isolamento térmico. Este tipo de painel permite a execução de fachadas ou coberturas de forma fácil, rápida e eficaz."

Pine wood boards for the outside walls

These were the first days building the frame:

A lot is/was happening and we are very grateful for that.
With love,

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