Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Transparency... more light!

David was focused on having more light in the tiny house. I would like that, but one of the things that we experience living in the BUS is that with so many windows, the temperature doesn't maintain inside.
But, if we put small double glasses here and there we can have more light and the be comfortable temperature wise.
So, after taking the decision, David went to Tábua to get materials for the filter box. And he decided to ask to the sweet and very nice workers in Supermaco if they knew of a window store, or something like that, around. And in the same street there is an aluminum window store.
David asked for double glasses, small ones and for the price of them.
Guess what? They gave him 4 glasses for free!
Amazing! We are very grateful for the offer and for the fact that we can re-use materials!

Thank you!

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