Saturday, 22 June 2019

A bit of today and some pictures of other days

It has been a pleasure to live and to work in the house.

It is so big, at least for me, as we have been living in very tiny places together. So, just the fact that I can lay the yoga mat on the floor and have space to do all the poses it's quite something! And of of these days, I even had the company of litle I., in her small mat.

Curtains on the making today. These were taken few weeks before: measurements for the curtains and the first picture I sent it to David so he could brainstorm with me - long or short curtain?

 Lunch time was like this before, small table for me and friends:

 But now, the game changed! AH! We can actually eat at the table! Amazing Glen, the carpenter, a friend of ours made it. 

 Did I say already that Lara and Missanga have been enjoying the Tiny House so much? right at this moment, they are here, on the sofa with me, fighting some flys, but enjoyinh the sun.

 And I continue to watch our natural TV:

Do you remember the wine boxes that I showed you yesterday? Well, with one of them I made something to surprise David, since he is in India and coming back next week. Because he loves coffee, we talked about creating a small coffee "altar" or special place. And I did it! With some mistakes in the midle, like putting the box up instead of lying down! I got completely disctracted I guess! I was taking care of I. on that day, maybe that's why :-). But, no problem at all, as I could put it the other way around. The thing is that I have to small holes on the wall. What to do with them? Is there something that we can cover them with, like a paste?

These pots were giving to me by a couple of dear friends, Lotte and Floris. The pots are made in Portugal and I am planning on doing some macramé hanger to put them in the living room area, next to the green lamps. Stay tuned!

I went to Tábua, to Supermaco, to buy some metal pieces so I can put the curtains in place. As you can see, the original color was golden, but, with the paint that I used in the bedroom mandala, I painted them, so everything matches! It looks perfect and they are on the walls already. 


 I started the day today by painting whit white spray the old steps from the BUS:

That's it for today. Hope today I can finish the curtains and I'll show you then what I used for the curtain rails.

Wish you all a lovelly day.

Friday, 21 June 2019

Kitchen, bedroom, cat door and so much more!

David has put his ex camping gas to work - this is going to be our cooking station! After connecting the gas pipe here it is working well!

 Lara and Missanga have been enjoying the bedroom, in our tubisian pufs:

 And their step bed:

And the day to put the tiles arrived! So happy about it! These were given from a neighbour in Benfeita. I had to clean them all, because they were very dirty from the fire - some were black. And I used all purpose glue that is white but when it dries it gets transparent.

 Sometimes the view from the big window in the living room is very beautiful, sometimes is showing some problems! I woke up to this one of these days: a board in the exterior wall had fallen during the night.
"Estar presente é responder a cada momento.
Esta semana tive de responder a isto: uma tábua fora do sítio no exterior da Tiny House 🏡. Super fácil, certo? Certo! É só subir umas escadas, berbequim na mão e aparafusar direitinho.
Mas, ao subir as escadas tive de enfrentar o medo das alturas.
Custou por uns segundos, mas depois, sabem que foi tão fácil? Eu não sou o medo das alturas.
Sim, parece maior do que aquilo que é, o medo, mas na verdade o medo é uma ilusão.
A tábua tinha de ser re-aparafusada e foi isso que eu fiz; o resto, são histórias!
E hoje chove como ontem. Tão bom! 🌧🌬"

Organizing is my midle name! A small, tiny bouse has to be so well organized or else it doesn+t work! I asked my friend Lúcia if her family's wine company had some old wine boxes, so we coud use to organize things, like clothes. And she had quite a few! A lot more was organized with these, but I will show you in the future. For now, thank you Quinta Seara d'Ordens!

 And the entrance has been beautified with carnations, berries and echinacea. Plants everywhere!

The Tiny House is welcoming the Sunny June:

Yes! the lights are on, up in the bedroom area. It started with David's idea to have a light mandala on the roof, but this is what we made. It took me several hours to design it, paint it and then to apply the lights (one the lights were 3h of work and a neck pain, but an amazing and satisfying result!).

Cat door in! This was essential before moving! We had to make sure that they were able to go in and out the house so no accident would happen in - pee and poo! First picture with Missanga's tail and the second with David!

 Every area had to be aproved by the ladies! Bedroom area approved and sofa as well!

 Kitchen: one of my favourite areas here:

Work starts to happen: this is my office and this is paper work - taxes!

Sofa needed to be covered because the cats are changing or loosing fur - it's summer time!

This is are the old steps from the BUS where we used to live in. After the fire, we decided to keep some things so we could use them in the Tiny House. David divided it in two parts. I am taking the rust out and tomorrow I will paint it white. We are going to use it in the kitchen, so we can hang pots and plants to dry.

And that's it for now!