Sunday, 10 September 2017


What has evolved in the Tiny House since the last post?
We have not been wrtiitng here, because the internet has been so slow that we couldn't do anything on the blog. But today is the day!

We are now planning the next steps for winter.
Taking care of the accounting, seeing what are the priorities and deciding what to do next.

That's what we've been doing.

Wait, is that the only thing that has been happening over here?
We know what you want to see: was the house moved? YES!
Just see the pictures and videos (if the internet is fast enough!) below and follow us in this 7h process.

First things first:
This is the new path that was opened to the second ruin

 The first ruin

 Sr. Ângelo working more on the path so we can have a turning point for a future veichule

Strong David thinking that he is a JCB

And the moving day arrived!
 A lot of planning happenning with David, Sr. Ângelo and Sr. Manuel

Look at the tractor and the JCB on the back!

 That's when we heard the first crack... not so good news!

 It didn't work this way! We had to turn the house the other way around so Sr. Ângelo could guide it with the tractor. Now the tractor would be in the front and the JCB in the back. What a mission so far!

And here it is going around in the car park - another mission!

Friends came along to help us move things because the car park was not big enough to turn the house around! Can you believe it? 

 And this is the second crack that we heard in the house. Part of the wall had to be taken down so the house could move. David "hammered" it!

 The digger putting the wood piles more to the side, so we could have more space 

And more wood that needed to be taken out

Almost ready to move out

 The pals just looking! "Is the house going to leave this car park, really?"

The house was not leveled, so we couldn't attach the tractor. Because of that, David, Marco, Helder and Sr. Manuel had to pull up the house with 2 pieces of wood, for it to be attached to the tractor

 I did my part by just putting the little pice into place to make sure that the tractor was nicely attached to the house

 Now what?

Making holes with the driller to attach 2 big and strong chains (you can see part of the back cladding already damaged)

 Chain in JCB

 Chain under the trailer 

And there it goes! :-D

 Look at her face! 

David had to cut some branches on the way

The curves were the parts that we were most affraid off, but the house, tractor and the JCB were very good at them!
So far, so good.

 We were almost there!

 Sr. Ângelo and Sr. Manuel were communicating with each other (JCB to tractor) with our walki-talkies! And having fun!

 Now comes the most dangerous and challenging part. The last 500m!

 How are we going to do this?

 Pieces of Oak on the window

 Another chain - now we have 3!

Marko came to help us

And we started to go down - very scary!

 We didn't move 1m yet and 1 chain already broke!

 Another meter down and a tree blocking the house - we had to cut this one
Was that the end of the challenges?

Going down with the front part of the JCB completely digging the ground, so the house and the tractor couldn't go down with full speed

And we thought that the worst was over... in this area there was a tree that we didn't think it could make this process even more challenging

Do we move it or do we cut the tree?

 A little part of the roof was damaged by the tree, but the good thing is that the house and the tractor didn't fall down the cliff!

 Laura came to help so we could balance the house to take the tractor connection out, as the house was already into place

Just in case the house wants to move we locked the tires with stones

Good job everyone! 

Happy team!

Next day:

 Damage on the back

 Damage on the roof

 Damage in the trailer itself! The strenght at the end was so much that the JCB did this to the metal part of the trailer!

Us very happy with the house, the land and the house in the land!

Our hearts are exploding of gratitude for such a beautiful life.
So beautiful, because it's so unknown everyday and the only thing that we have to do is just to deliever ourselves to the Universe/God. And what we have been experiencing is a surprise everyday.
We got in touch with the love that is the foundation of life. Life is love!
Moving the house took 7h and a lot of thinking and patience. We loved it and it took us to our edge! I noticed that the fear that I was experiencing was so much and that my adrenalin was in such a high pick that my kidney area was acking all day. But it didn't matter! The most important thing was to be present and available to register everthing and support the moving in whatever ways I could.
Everyone was always very happy and attemptive to all the details on the way.
Every curve that we went through with the house was a victory. Every meter that the house was moved was a victory.
Us and Sr. Ângelo knew, deep inside, that the house was going to be moved. We just didn't know all the details of how it was going to happen and we knew that something could go wrong, but we just kept moving, literally!
Now, the house is in it's place and we are ready to continue the work.
Since then, we already moved things and started to level the trailer, but all the details will be shared with you in a different post.

Thank you all so much for the support!

Thank you Sr. Ângelo and Sr. Manuel for taking a risk to do this job, even when someone was telling you that you were crazy for saying yes to such a big and challenging job.

Thank you Marco and Helder for helping us to move things out of the car park, so we could turn around the house.

Thank you Marko and Laura for the technical and moral support.

Thank you everyone at the Quinta for supporting us in a silent day, so we could be totally available for moving the house.

Thank you to our parents for all the support and interest during the moving and in the preparation, by showing love and by giving ideas in how to do it.

With love,